How is the leather measurred and haw much of it you need?

Manufacture of shoes

How much and what type of leather to use?

Skin is measured in square decimetres. 1 dm² is a piece of leather 10x10 cm, but it can also be 5x20 cm, or even 7x14.2 cm, etc. The leather does not have even edges, so do not expect an even piece in the shape of a square. Leather is a purely natural and disparate material. It can have different strength and ductility, in addition, there may be a number of places where there are visible or hidden defects (whisks, scratches, burns, scars, minor wrinkling, hole, etc.). This is not a reason for a complaint. For the above reasons, I recommend ordering a little more leather than you need. If you need the exact size, leave us a note. We will try to satisfy your needs and cut  a dimensionas large as possible.

Approximate amount of leather

Slippers up to size 26 (insole 16 cm) - 8 dm² (for insoles max. 5 dm² also with reserve).

Moccasins for adults - approx. 25 - 30 dm² + for insoles approx. 8 dm²

Women's ballerinas - approx. 15 - 18 dm² + for insoles approx. 8 dm² + rather add a reserve.

Slip-on shoes - approx. 10 - 12 dm2 + approx. 7 dm2 of insoles or approx. 10 dm2 of edge

Strappy sandals according to Veronika Mocová's e-book - 5 dm2 (please specify the length of the leather 50 x 10 cm in the order note) + approx. 7 dm2 of stiletto or 10 dm2 of edge on the insoles.

It is better to add a reserve. The bigger the piece of leather, the less cuttings, therefore the bigger the saving (you can stack the cut better).

If you're a beginner and unsure of the size of the leather when ordering, write down what you're going to sew from it - it's at least a guide for us.

If you want to have an exact measurement, redraw your cut and measure it. Add the resulting size to the order note. Always allow a margin for minor flaws.


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